Responsibility is the vision of the “Top Citizens” festival of Hamedan

Responsibility is the vision of the “Top Citizens” festival of Hamedan

Democracy, legitimacy, participation and in a word, responsibility, are the key words that the third festival of “Selected Citizens” seeks to create a culture to promote it among the citizens, so that Hamedan become a good city with better citizens. The “Top Citizen” festival held its first media roundtable on wednesday in the presence of reporters from the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) to reflect on its achievements, performance and plans, and to inform the public about what is happening at this event. The mayor of Hamedan, with an introduction, described this cultural event as a unique event in country and even in the world, where the municipality selects the best citizens as the main trustees of urban management every year, in a scientific process with the presence of university professors and cultural figures. “Abbas Sufi” said: the elected citizens should be different people and have tried to improve the quality of urban life and the effects of this effort are tangible in the space and context of the city, although Hamedan has a glorious name and history and in terms of having knowledgeable and educated citizens of the capital, and has been called the capital of history and civilization of Iran.

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